Saturday, July 19, 2014

Garden, Pets, IBC

So much life has been happening! Phew! My cousin Jeff got married on 2 week notice, Handsome and I: hung out with my mama, planted the hop rhizomes, went to the IBC-International Betta Congress, went to San Jose for the 4th, went to Sac to Fleas Bday, and this weekend are headed to Tahoe for my Aunts Bday :3 holy sniznits!!!

My Small Spaces garden is going nuts! Potatoes are should signs of.. Potatoes.. Radishes are edible (actually really good) tomatoes are green and strong, and my Basket of Fire peppers are hot a nom nom good! 

Baby hops!!

Goldie Han my baby gold cellophane betta girl :3

Oh ya, he got a dehyrdator as well :3

Hale Bop... 

Ok! More to come!!