Thursday, July 19, 2018

Its been a while

Well, Steve and I got married almost two years ago now! It's been fun, the wedding was awesome and full of drama (not on my part this time!)

I've been using my time since to try and launch my business with the Illustration, doing shows with the amazing and talented Katie, selling online and currently helping out with a fellow Etsy shop owner running a laser cutter!

Since I posted we've been to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, Mexico 2x, Iceland and Japan! Hot damn!

Cooper Gerbil Sidekick has passed over the rainbow bridge, as have Tamale and Fajita. I also had a super sweet blazed girl named Nacho who departed, but still have the naked Chalupa, Torta and Quest the rex. Sweet sweet girls! Pickles and Castor Troy Nicoli Tesla are doing well, being jerks and what not. The garden got severely neglected, but I have been resurrecting it recently and Bam! More spider plants then ever! I nearly lost the fern but have some shoots, lost the wondering Jew, but I had given cuttings to Teri and Don, who gave Cuttings to mom, who gave me new cuttings! Jen's plant lives!!! Joann's beasts are still going strong.

I'm actually happy :3 like for realsies. It's kinda nice. I need to post more happy shit!